Nacházíte se:  Úvod    Údržba    Defektoskopie    Application of acoustic emission method during setting and hardening concrete in timber and metal mould

Application of acoustic emission method during setting and hardening concrete in timber and metal mould

Publikováno: 14.9.2013
Rubrika: Defektoskopie

Concrete is a composite materials consisting of five basic components – cement (usually), water, additions, admixtures and aggregates different fractions. Hydration process starts after mixing cement and water. Chemical, mechanical and electrical properties are continuously changed during the process. Application of the Acoustic Emission Method at setting and hardening concrete samples are described in this article. The samples setting have made solidification in the wood and metal mould, for the assessment of the effect of material moulds on the number and nature of acoustic events.

Key words: concrete, acoustic emission, mould, timber, metal

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