Nacházíte se:  Úvod    Aktuality    Lidé-Věci-Události    Alexei Miller and Taner Yildiz flew over the planned onshore route of the pipeline

Alexei Miller and Taner Yildiz flew over the planned onshore route of the pipeline

Publikováno: 10.2.2015
Rubrika: Lidé-Věci-Události, Plynárenství

Today in Turkey, Chairman of the Board of OAO "Gazprom" Alexei Miller and Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey Taner Yildiz discussed the implementation of the project to construct a gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey via the Black Sea and took a helicopter flight over the planned onshore route of the pipeline.

The parties identified the key, reference points of the route and technical solutions for the pipeline in Turkey. In particular, the landfall point was determined at the meeting (the area of the village of Kayakoy), as well as the point of delivery of gas to Turkish consumers (Luleburgaz area) and the exit area at the Turkish-Greek border around Epsila. The length of the onshore pipeline will be 180 km.

In the near future it is expected to receive permits for the design and survey works for the new Turkish offshore section of the pipeline.

The design of the pipeline will take into account increasing demand for natural gas in the area of Istanbul. In this regard the volume of gas to be supplied to the border of Turkey and Greece has been determined at 47 billion cubic meters. The capacity of the offshore gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey will be 63 billion cubic meters per year. The tentative date for the completion of the first line is December 2016.


On December 1, 2014 OAO "Gazprom" and Turkish company Botas signed a memorandum of understanding on construction of a gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey via the Black Sea. The capacity of the pipeline will be 63 billion cubic meters of gas, of which about 50 billion cubic meters will be delivered to a new gas hub on the Turkish-Greek border. The company “Gazprom Russkaya” will be responsible for the construction of the pipeline.

Turkey is Gazprom’s second largest market after Germany. In 2014, Gazprom exported 27.4 billion cubic meters of gas to Turkey. Currently, Russian gas is delivered to Turkey via the gas pipeline "Blue Stream" and the Trans-Balkan pipeline.

Publikace v oboru energetiky, strojírenství a stavebnictví k prodeji


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